Best shopping deals available on Black Friday, it is the best deals and coupons Black Friday after Thanksgiving Day
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Black Friday is the Friday after Thanksgiving Day in the United States (it is always the fourth Thursday of November). Black Friday is not an officer rest from work, but California and some other states make observation "The Day After thanksgiving" as a holiday from work for commercial, local, state and federal government workers, sometimes in place of another united government’s holiday from work such as Columbus Day. Since the early 2000s, it has been the start of the Christmas shopping season getting things at store in time in the US, and main stream retailers such as Walmart, JCPenny, Macys, BestBuy, etc. open very early (and more recently during overnight hours) and offer promotional sales. Many non-retail employees and schools have both thanksgiving and the shopping supporters Friday off, which, in company with the regular week-end, makes it a four-day week-end, thereby increasing the number of possible & quality deal and bargain shoppers. It has in a regular order been the busiest shopping day at store day of the year since 2000, but we believe it has been the busiest shopping day at the stores for a much longer period of time. Similar stories resurface year upon year at this time, making it the best day for shopping to find electronics, furniture, beauty products, etc. at online and local stores.